The learning curve is steep for this tech challenged Boomer. Turning wood with a skew and a face shield is mechanical hands on practical and tangible. Creating a Blog has no logic or sensual component to the finger tapping, cursor pushing, eye squinting battle with the spell check choosing alternative words that change the meaning. Well I guess that is like the spinning block off centre air space cutting chisel making chatter sounds as the wood chips fly, and the StrawBoss has no idea what the result will offer. So this is the beginning of the musing stories of the ChaliceWorks StrawBoss.
THROUGH ALL THE WORLD THERE GOES ONE LONG CRY FROM THE HEART OF THE ARTIST: GIVE ME LEAVE TO DO MY UTMOST ! Babette: Babette’s Feast Babbets Feast Bowl 2018 (Private collection) When we love something, we grant it soul, we see its soul, and we let its soul touch ours. We must love something deeply to know its soul ( anima ). Before the resonance of love, we are largely blind to the meaning, value, and power of ordinary things to “save” us and help us live in union with the source of all being. In fact, until we can appreciate and even delight in the soul of other things, even trees and animals, we probably haven’t discovered our own souls either. Soul knows soul through lov...
Mother Nature reigns again