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Corona Bowl Adventure from Launch to Bending the Curve.

A MOMENT OF HESITATION at the launch of the six pound Dutch Elm block.  From that instant the Corona Bowl took on a life of unintended consequence and unexpected significance.  Initially a statement of design to capture the threat of a spreading virus, I selected a half round section of a long standing deceased Dutch Elm that was being cut and sized for firewood.  The victim of a fast spreading invasion of virus like infection that wiped out the species in New England during the 1960-90's, this block had both the center pith and the bark markings of the attacking virus and microscopic organisms that spread it throughout the cadmium layer of growth cells under the bark.  The spaulted grey tones of decay were also evidence of the living presence in the long standing sentinel resisting removal from its original appointed location guarding the park pond shoreline and providing shade to wildflowers and home to birds.  Years ago an Oriole built a nest in the leafless branches and offered a blaze of color against the grey bone hulk. Such a block of wood held the essence of the story being told again by the virus called Corona 19 invading the nations of the world and inflicting a suffocating grasp upon the vibrant and vulnerable peoples without prejudice or preference of privilege.

THE DESIGN INSPIRATION was intended to use off center and off axis cuts to create weaving surfaces on the outer sides and a variety of internal curves.  While there were sections of the bark that were secure, "live edge" options could be considered.  A visual effect of sweeping sections interfacing, and interrupting would demonstrate the struggle of containing a virus and the unified effort needed to "flatten the curve"  In a world where everything is changing in warp speed, the only constant and dependable experience is change.  A simple circle centered inner bowl holds the illusion that all will return to normal, and the reality for a "new normal" to occur.

AND THE CREATION PROCESS began with the momentary excitement of mounting the block securely in a wild off center cocked angle position, rotating in many times to get the feel of the movement and anticipating the location of cuts and open space. The checklist of safety protection and secure mechanical function all lined up to cautious awareness and patient process.  Reaching for the on switch and multiple thought checks like lights blinking on a computer and the sequence of one element was reversed.  The switch went on then off before the speed dial was turned low.  And the block launched.  Contact resulting in 15 stitches and a two day headache.  Now the launch of the virus had a documented statement in both the StrawBoss anatomy and the more noticeable widening of the hairline split in the heartwood of the block.

FRONT LINE PROVIDERS enter dangerous situations with every shift, engaging in challenges that extend beyond the scope of the usual medical emergency response event and often in multiples of the usual frequency of the shift.   The off center off axis turning approximates the increase of danger and risk that is present while using the same basic tools and skills of bowl turning.  Everything the StrawBoss does is based on the training and skill of basic principles learned and practiced in a wide range of situations.  The medical practitioners in the Corona War are addressing basic needs in an intensified and off center environment.

THE NEW NORMAL is emerging as the Shelter at Home patterns are shaping new understandings of what is meaningful.  Discovering how life patterns can change us and invite us to create stronger connections with each other while maintaining a safe space for individual wellness.  We are learning to protect others from the unknown potential we carry.  We are learning that the unknown is not necessarily harmful like a virus without symptom.  The unknown is also the positive idea or vision that may change our life and those with whom we have contact.  For the StrawBoss this means that the classic bowl shapes will reflect the tilting and swerving normal.  Bowl sides will have multiple surfaces with interacting patterns and interiors will offer a variety of depth and sculptured surface.  The StrawBoss chose to turn the interior of the Corona Bowl on the center axis to best accent the lines and color of the wood grain patterns and texture.

 The result is a suggestion of an hour glass in the bottom of the bowl and nearly vertical side walls to highlight the life rings of the Elm on either side of the center line. 

The traditional center shape is also the common familiar shape that remains as the core value of our life after the endemic changes our way of life and the world order forever. 


  1. What a beautiful work of art with a story to tell!

  2. Wow Denis. This bowl is a masterpiece. Really beautiful work!


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